Thursday, May 30, 2013

Underground to Canada

We spent the afternoon wrapping up our novel study Underground to Canada.  The students enjoyed the book and we had some excellent discussion times relating to human rights and slavery.  It is a blessing to see the students express their compassion and desire for justice as we have worked through our Global Awareness unit.  Tomorrow afternoon the students will participate in mini-discussions regarding the character, theme, and setting of the story.  I'm looking forward to hearing more of what they have learned from reading this historical novel.

Weekly Reminders


Please remember to review and sign the Growing and Changing lessons with your child each day.
Cultus Lake Waterslides: Friday, June 7th  - Please return blue permission slips and money! 

Math Test - Unit 6 - Geometry and Measurement
Chapel - 9:45 (led by 8A)
Parents are always welcome!

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Growing and Changing Unit Test
Cultus Lake Waterslides!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Can we do MarketDay Again?

When we first began planning our MarketDay, we had no idea that the students would be so motivated and excited!  It was awesome to see all of the supplies pouring into our classrooms and gymnasium yesterday.  I even had a student ask this morning, "Can we do MarketDay again?"  The students really enjoyed the MarketDay last night and felt proud of all they had accomplished.  We will let you know the official totals soon, but so far 6B has counted over $600 that has been raised for Opportunity International!  These funds will be matched by the Canadian government to provide even more microloans for people in developing countries.  Once again, thank you to the students, parents, sponsors, and of course customers who made this event such a success!

"I think it was fun to help those in poverty.  We had fun doing what we were doing.  It was fun to make necklaces and duct tape wallets.  We didn't keep the money we gave it away to help people in Africa." - Liam

"MarketDay was fun because I got to see all the cool things at the other booths, and I got to buy a flower pen and cookies." - Lindsay

"It was nice that we could help people with the money that we earned.  I had lots of fun doing it with friends." - Serena

"It was a lot of fun making and selling the things that we made." - Steven

Enjoy some pictures from the event!

Weekly Reminders


Christian Schools Track Meet: Monday, May 27th
Cultus Lake Waterslides: Friday, June 7th

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due
Try IXL - Try X.17 and X.18

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Literature Circle Response due
Chapel - 9:45 (led by 8A)
Parents are always welcome!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MarketDay is Coming!


MarketDay will soon be here!  The students have been hard at work for several weeks now planning and preparing for MarketDay.  This afternoon they had the opportunity to set up their booths and finish making any signs that were needed.  We are all really looking forward to this event!  Funds raised will be donated to Opportunity International Canada.  This organization provides microloans to help eradicate poverty in the developing world.  The government will match all donations, so the money we raise will go to help even more people!  Be sure to come on Thursday evening...there will be lots of great items for sale!

Weekly Reminders


MarketDay: Thursday, May 23rd
Christian Schools Track Meet: Monday, May 27th
Cultus Lake Waterslides: Friday, June 7th  

Try IXL - Try X.17 and X.18

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Literature Circles Discussion #6


Chapel - 9:45
Parents are always welcome!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Jeffrey and Fricy

A haiku poem written by Josh

Jeffrey is a pig
He eats a lot of tall grass
Boom bam.  There goes Jeff

In the poem below, Andrew includes several imaginary words that he created to add to the mood of his writing.  The students were encouraged to use the portmanteau technique to combine two words to create a new one that would catch the interest of the reader.  See if you can figure out which words Andrew used in his poem.

by Andrew J.

In a land far away.
There was a place called FRICY!
Fricy is a land that is litter and bitter smell and
taste of the wind is bad
There lay frightfullary wolves.
They are barough species fill of haste and
trickery, living outside in the land of Fricy.
They are smarave and dangicious wolves.
They crunch and lunch if you do not give
them the correct answer to their questions.
Beware the land of Fricy!
And good luck surviving there :) or should I say :(

Weekly Reminders


Exploratories: Friday, May 17th
Poetry Booklets are due: Wednesday, May 8th  (I am still missing three!)
Market Day: Thursday, May 23rd

Home Reading is due tomorrow.

Try IXL - X.6 and X.16

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Literature Circles Discussion #4

Drama instead of art today.  Bring props and supplies.

Chapel - 9:45 led Mr. Still
Parents are always welcome!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Backyard Bugs

Backyard Bugs
2 Haiku Poems written by Andrew V.

The bee buzzes by
Flying from a red flower
Then into its hive.

The worm is crawling
It digs through soft, wet dirt
Making small tunnels.

Red is My Favourite Colour!
written by Miranda

Red is my favourite colour
Red is my sister's shirt
Red is the colour of the sunset
Red is the first colour of the rainbow
Red smells like red roses just opened
Red tastes like burnt toast
Red sounds like big beating sounds
Red feels like beating fire
Red makes me happy
Red is the color of an apple

Weekly Reminders


Exploratories on Fridays: 10th, and 17th
Track and Field Day: Tuesday, May 7th
Poetry Booklets are due: Wednesday, May 8th
Global Awareness Test: Thursday, May 9th

Home Reading will be due on Wednesday!

Track Meet!
Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Math p. 216-218 #1-6
Poetry Booklets are due!  Poetry reading is today!  Come prepared to share one of your poems.
Literature Circles - Underground to Canada - Discussion #1 is due today.
Bring props for Drama
Bring recorders for Music

Global Awareness Test
(Students have a review sheet and flash cards to help them study.)

Chapel - 9:45 led by 6C
Parents are always welcome!
