Thursday, May 30, 2013

Underground to Canada

We spent the afternoon wrapping up our novel study Underground to Canada.  The students enjoyed the book and we had some excellent discussion times relating to human rights and slavery.  It is a blessing to see the students express their compassion and desire for justice as we have worked through our Global Awareness unit.  Tomorrow afternoon the students will participate in mini-discussions regarding the character, theme, and setting of the story.  I'm looking forward to hearing more of what they have learned from reading this historical novel.

Weekly Reminders


Please remember to review and sign the Growing and Changing lessons with your child each day.
Cultus Lake Waterslides: Friday, June 7th  - Please return blue permission slips and money! 

Math Test - Unit 6 - Geometry and Measurement
Chapel - 9:45 (led by 8A)
Parents are always welcome!

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Growing and Changing Unit Test
Cultus Lake Waterslides!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Can we do MarketDay Again?

When we first began planning our MarketDay, we had no idea that the students would be so motivated and excited!  It was awesome to see all of the supplies pouring into our classrooms and gymnasium yesterday.  I even had a student ask this morning, "Can we do MarketDay again?"  The students really enjoyed the MarketDay last night and felt proud of all they had accomplished.  We will let you know the official totals soon, but so far 6B has counted over $600 that has been raised for Opportunity International!  These funds will be matched by the Canadian government to provide even more microloans for people in developing countries.  Once again, thank you to the students, parents, sponsors, and of course customers who made this event such a success!

"I think it was fun to help those in poverty.  We had fun doing what we were doing.  It was fun to make necklaces and duct tape wallets.  We didn't keep the money we gave it away to help people in Africa." - Liam

"MarketDay was fun because I got to see all the cool things at the other booths, and I got to buy a flower pen and cookies." - Lindsay

"It was nice that we could help people with the money that we earned.  I had lots of fun doing it with friends." - Serena

"It was a lot of fun making and selling the things that we made." - Steven

Enjoy some pictures from the event!

Weekly Reminders


Christian Schools Track Meet: Monday, May 27th
Cultus Lake Waterslides: Friday, June 7th

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due
Try IXL - Try X.17 and X.18

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Literature Circle Response due
Chapel - 9:45 (led by 8A)
Parents are always welcome!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

MarketDay is Coming!


MarketDay will soon be here!  The students have been hard at work for several weeks now planning and preparing for MarketDay.  This afternoon they had the opportunity to set up their booths and finish making any signs that were needed.  We are all really looking forward to this event!  Funds raised will be donated to Opportunity International Canada.  This organization provides microloans to help eradicate poverty in the developing world.  The government will match all donations, so the money we raise will go to help even more people!  Be sure to come on Thursday evening...there will be lots of great items for sale!

Weekly Reminders


MarketDay: Thursday, May 23rd
Christian Schools Track Meet: Monday, May 27th
Cultus Lake Waterslides: Friday, June 7th  

Try IXL - Try X.17 and X.18

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Literature Circles Discussion #6


Chapel - 9:45
Parents are always welcome!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Jeffrey and Fricy

A haiku poem written by Josh

Jeffrey is a pig
He eats a lot of tall grass
Boom bam.  There goes Jeff

In the poem below, Andrew includes several imaginary words that he created to add to the mood of his writing.  The students were encouraged to use the portmanteau technique to combine two words to create a new one that would catch the interest of the reader.  See if you can figure out which words Andrew used in his poem.

by Andrew J.

In a land far away.
There was a place called FRICY!
Fricy is a land that is litter and bitter smell and
taste of the wind is bad
There lay frightfullary wolves.
They are barough species fill of haste and
trickery, living outside in the land of Fricy.
They are smarave and dangicious wolves.
They crunch and lunch if you do not give
them the correct answer to their questions.
Beware the land of Fricy!
And good luck surviving there :) or should I say :(

Weekly Reminders


Exploratories: Friday, May 17th
Poetry Booklets are due: Wednesday, May 8th  (I am still missing three!)
Market Day: Thursday, May 23rd

Home Reading is due tomorrow.

Try IXL - X.6 and X.16

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Literature Circles Discussion #4

Drama instead of art today.  Bring props and supplies.

Chapel - 9:45 led Mr. Still
Parents are always welcome!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Backyard Bugs

Backyard Bugs
2 Haiku Poems written by Andrew V.

The bee buzzes by
Flying from a red flower
Then into its hive.

The worm is crawling
It digs through soft, wet dirt
Making small tunnels.

Red is My Favourite Colour!
written by Miranda

Red is my favourite colour
Red is my sister's shirt
Red is the colour of the sunset
Red is the first colour of the rainbow
Red smells like red roses just opened
Red tastes like burnt toast
Red sounds like big beating sounds
Red feels like beating fire
Red makes me happy
Red is the color of an apple

Weekly Reminders


Exploratories on Fridays: 10th, and 17th
Track and Field Day: Tuesday, May 7th
Poetry Booklets are due: Wednesday, May 8th
Global Awareness Test: Thursday, May 9th

Home Reading will be due on Wednesday!

Track Meet!
Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Math p. 216-218 #1-6
Poetry Booklets are due!  Poetry reading is today!  Come prepared to share one of your poems.
Literature Circles - Underground to Canada - Discussion #1 is due today.
Bring props for Drama
Bring recorders for Music

Global Awareness Test
(Students have a review sheet and flash cards to help them study.)

Chapel - 9:45 led by 6C
Parents are always welcome!


Monday, April 29, 2013


by Liam
Red is the rose petals falling
Red is love
Red is the blood on the cross
Red is the strawberry growing
Red smells like cherries
Red tastes like sweet juice on a hot day
Red sounds like fire crackling
Red looks like apples falling from the tree
Red feels like Jello
Red makes me angry
Red is red hot
Weekly Reminders


Math Test: Wednesday, May 1st
Exploratories on Fridays: May 3rd, 10th, and 17th
Track and Field Day: Tuesday, May 7th
Poetry Booklets are due: Wednesday, May 8th
Global Awareness Test: Thursday, May 9th

This week...

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Review Graphing on IXL P.1-P.17 and Probablilty Y.2
Complete Math p. 284-285#1-8 to review for test on Wednesday.

Home Reading is due today.
Service Afternoon!

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Math Test - Chapter 7 - Graphing and Probability

Poetry: Family Poem (rough draft should be completed)

Chapel - 9:45 led by 7B
Parents are always welcome!
Retro Day!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Horse

 A Horse
by Steven
A horse is a horse
For some the main course
They sometimes neigh
But they always eat hay
A horse is a horse
I'll help you of course
I say hey
The horse said neigh

Weekly Reminders

Student Led Conferences this evening! (5-8 p.m.)

Coffee House will be taking place next Thursday evening! (April 25th)
All of the students in 6B will be playing their guitars. Many of the students will also be singing in the Knight Sounds choir. Please plan to attend this great evening!

Students should have completed their MarketDay surveys and surveyed 50 people!
Student-Led Conferences 5:00-8:00

Chapel - 9:45
Presentation about the SALTS sailing trip by grade 8 students.
Parents are always welcome!

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Review Graphing on IXL P.1-P.17

Home Reading is due today.
Poetry: Haiku, Concret, Rhyme, and Word Buffet (rough drafts should all be completed!)

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Coffee House 7:00 p.m.

Reveiw Graphing on IXL P.1-P.17
Chapel - 9:45
Parents are always welcome!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Someone Catch my Socks!

I wanted to share some of the poems that the students have been creating.  Today's poem is written by Megan.  Enjoy!
Someone Catch my Socks!
Someone catch my socks,
before I throw a bunch of rocks!
My socks have flown the hatch,
you do know they are very hard to catch!
I opened the door,
and they fell on the floor!
They said I would pay,
for making them stay.
I started to run,
and it started to be fun!
But then they came back,
And I said I would hack!
Weekly Reminders

Please sign and return Student - Led Conference Forms.
The conferences will be on Thursday, April 18th.
We would love for all parents and students to attend!

Coffee House will be taking place next Thursday evening!  (April 25th)
All of the students in 6B will be playing their guitars.  Many of the students will also be singing in the Knight Sounds choir.  Please plan to attend this great evening!

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Students should have completed their surveys and surveyed 50 people!
Student-Led Conferences 5:00-8:00

Chapel - 9:45
Presentation about the SALTS sailing trip by grade 8 students.
Parents are always welcome!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pass the Poetry Please

Last week, we began our poetry unit.  Today the students had the opportunity to look at word choice, and the students started creating their very own Word Buffets.  Here are some of their favorite words.

Eiffel Tower

Stay tuned for more highlights as the students begin writing some of their own poetry.  Also ask students to read the "poem in their pockets".  You'll be impressed by what you find!

Weekly Reminders

Please sign and return Student - Led Conference Forms.
The conferences will be on Thursday, April 18th.
We would love for all parents and students to attend!

Math p. 257-258 #1,2,4,5

Chapel - 9:45 - featuring a presentation from our visiting Mexican students
Parents are always welcome!
Music Class today - Bring guitars!


Home Reading is due today.
Bible Quiz

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Student-Led Conferences 5:00-8:00

Chapel - 9:45
Parents are always welcome!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Silly Cells

Welcome Back!  I hope that each of you had a wonderful break and a blessed Easter weekend remembering Christ's gift to us.  It sure was great to hear the excitement from the students this morning.  They sure seemed happy to see all of their friends again, and to swap stories from the last two weeks.  I thought I would post a few pictures of the Silly Cell science workshop that the students participated in just before Spring Break.  The students enjoyed a visiting guest scientist and got to take part in some hands on science activities. 

Weekly Reminders

Please sign and return the report card comment sheets.
Class Photo Day on Tuesday, April 3rd!

No home reading due this week!

Home Reading is due next Tuesday.
Class photo day!  Return envelopes and $6 if you'd like a class photo.

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice


Chapel - 9:45
Parents are always welcome!
Map of Africa Quiz
BC Lion's rally in the high school gym. (2:00-2:50)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Literature Circles

This week the students are wrapping up their Literature Circle unit.  They have been reading various novels all based on the theme of survival.  Each group is creating a poster displaying different aspects of the novels.  Here is a little glimpse of what they created today.

Weekly Reminders

Don't forget to have some fun on IXL this week! The sections we are reviewing are A, C, and M.  I will be doing a random time check again. The winner will receive a small prize!

Look for: Cell Quiz, Math Test, and Science Test - Please sign and return.

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due today.
Bring a newspaper if you can!

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Read In! - Bring a pillow and blanket if you like.  You can also wear jammies and slippers. 
Don't forget a good book!

Silly Cell Workshop

Praise Team Chapel - 9:45
Parents are always welcome!

Have a wonderful spring break!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Kitchen Cells

Our current theme unit is titled Diversity of Living Things.  As part of this unit, students learn about the parts of a cell and compare plant and animal cells.  They also have a great time making kitchen cells.  The students create a model of a cell using things typically found in the kitchen.  A few of these cells actually got eaten at the end of the science class.

Weekly Reminders

Don't forget to have some fun on IXL this week! The sections on percents are U.9 through U.16. I will be doing a random time check again. The winner will receive a small prize!

Look for: Science Review Sheet
We have our unit test on Friday!

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due today.
Cell Quiz

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Math pages 192 - 193 #1-11
French - Ma Profession is due today.

Music Passports are due today!
Math Unit Test - Fractions, Ratios, and Percents

Science Test - Diversity of Living Things


Friday, February 22, 2013

This and That

It has been a busy week here in 6B!  Here is a glimpse of what we've been up to.


The students have been enjoying their exploratory classes on Friday afternoons.  Today is the last class for this session, with the next round happening in May.  It has been wonderful to see the students having so much fun participating in a variety of activities including cooking, taking the babysitting course, making skim boards, playing strategic boardgames, learning about photography, and creating jewelry.

Visitng Japanese Students:

Last Thursday, we had a group of Japanese students visit our school and spend the afternoon teaching the class origami and how to write in Japanese.  The students made a variety of projects including paper cranes, flowers, and airplanes.  The Japanese students also sang a traditional song for us.

Learning with Microscopes:

Yesterday, the class visited the high school biology lab for a special lesson on using a microscope.  The students were partnered with grade 11 students and were able to look at some pretty cool things under the microscopes including and onion skin, hair, and a cheek cell.

Weekly Reminders

Thank you for bringing in rice and money in support of the rice raiser!  Our class collected $257.51 and 37kg of rice!  Well done!

Don't forget to have some fun on IXL this week!  The sections on ratios are U.1 through U.8.  I will be doing a random time check again.  The winner will receive a small prize!

Home Reading is due tomorrow
Music Composition due today
Literature Circles - Discussion #4 today!

Home Reading is due today.
Bible Memory: Isaiah 53:5-6

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
French Quiz - ER Verbs
Literature Circles - Discussion #5 today!

Music Passports are due today!

No School - Professional Development Day

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pancake Day

Well, I had never heard of Pancake Day before, but I was informed by the students of 6B that February 5th was Pancake Day.  Suddenly we had an impromptu pancake party happening in our classroom.  I really appreciate the way the class can turn an ordinary day into a holiday!

Weekly Reminders

We are collecting money and rice in support of the Rice Raiser.  Any amount donated is greatly appreciated!

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Math Test on Unit 1
Extreme Environment Presentations today

Map of Central America due today

Chapel at 9:45 - Perry and Poor Boys
Parents are always welcome!
Exploratories begin today!

No School
Enjoy our first Family Day!

Home Reading is due today
Bible News Report is due today

Friday, February 1, 2013

Off to Space!

Yesterday, the grade six students enjoyed a great trip to the MacMillan space center.  It was an amazing opportunity to get a glimpse of some of the technologies needed to survive in extreme in environments both on earth and in space. 

Here are some student highlights...

"I learned that you can learn things from the space games that they had there." - Josh

"I learned that if you put water in a cup and light the bottom with a blow torch it won't burn.  It will only get black." - Matthea

"In the movie theatre, there were lounge chairs.  You could lie back and look up and see space.  There was also a game show." - Conner

Weekly Reminders

Home Reading is due tomorrow

Home Reading is due today
Extreme Environment Projects are due today
6B Service Afternoon!

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Math Test on Unit 1
Extreme Environment Presentations today

Map of Central America due today

Chapel at 9:45 - Perry and Poor Boys
Parents are always welcome!
Exploratories begin today!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Extreme Environment Travel Adventure

Would you like to take a vacation to an extreme environment?  You could visit a polar region, explore a deep sea trench, discover the desert or spend the week in a cave.  The students of 6B have become travel agents, and they are getting ready to show their classmates why their location would be an ideal adventure vacation destination!  The students are creating travel brochures, packing lists, and maps that will provide travelers with all of the information needed for an exciting holiday!  I'm looking forward to hearing their presentations next week.

Did you know?

"Sharks' teeth may fall out and then come back in about one day." - Steven

"Woolly Bears are a type of caterpillar that live in the Arctic." - Lindsay

"The Mariana Trench is deeper than the height of Mount Everest." - Serena

Weekly Reminders

Look For:
Space Test Review Sheet
Bible Tests - please sign and return

IXL: N.9 and O.3

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Field Trip to the MacMillan Space Center!

Space Test!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Meet the Cast

This Thursday, the multipurpose room will be transformed into a fairy tale theatre.  The students are excited to perform their fractured fairy tales that are written, directed, and performed by themselves.  They were also in charge of set development and costume designs.  Here is a glimpse of what you can expect.

Sleeping Lilliana
Jack and the Golden Apple Tree
The Wolf who Cried Sheep
Paul: A Rumplestiltskin Story
The Three Little Pigs and the Nice Wolf

Here are a few photos of the cast.

Weekly Reminders

Look For:
Exploratory Brochure
Space Center Field Trip Form
Please sign and return both forms.

IXL: N.9 and O.3

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Psalm 8 is due today.
Math p. 31-32 #1-4

Presentation of Learning Evening
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Students will be presenting their Fractured Fairytales & French Fashion Show
Hope you can join us for this special evening!

No School
Staff Retreat Day


Thursday, January 17, 2013

6B Presents...

The students of 6B will be leading the middle school Chapel tomorrow.  Here is a little sneak peak of what has been taking place in our classroom over the last couple of weeks.  These photos were taken of just a few of the many things that have been added to our growing collection of props and costumes.  The Chapel will be from 9:45 - 10:20 on Friday morning.  We'd love to have you join us!

It's so much fun getting ready for the Chapel, because people get to bring things and pretend that they are selling it.  I'm really excited for it! - Steven
Weekly Reminders

Look For:
Math tests and Science tests have been sent home.
Please sign and return to school.

9:45 - 10:20
6B Class Chapel - Bring all props and costumes to school!
Parents are always welcome!
Try for 20 minutes of IXL this weekend.  O.3 and N.9
Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Try for 20 minutes on IXL: O.3 and N.9

Home Reading is due today.

Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Presentation of Learning Evening
6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Students will be presenting their Fractured Fairytales & French Fashion Show

Staff Retreat - No School today!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Splashing Up Some Fun!

On Friday, MRC was filled with over 60 grade students splashing and laughing in the water.  The students had a great time swimming, diving, sliding, and of course enjoying the waves.  The only complaint was that they wanted more time at the pool!

Some highlights from the students:

"It was fun to go with all three classes and enjoy being with all our friends." - Conner

"I did about 10 belly flops, and my stomach hurt." - Liam

Weekly Reminders

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Try for 20 minutes on IXL: N.9

Home Reading is due today.
Bible Memory: I Corinthians 11:25-26
Service Afternoon

Math page 22 #1-4
Library today
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Bring all props and costumes for Chapel - Full dress rehearsal today!

9:45 - 6B Class Chapel
Parents are always welcome!