Friday, November 23, 2012

Off to the VSO

We had a wonderful time listening to the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra today!  It was great to see the students dressed in their finest ready to attend this formal concert.  I have attended several of the VSO school concert series performances, and this was one of the best!  The students enjoyed the grand ambiance of The Orpheum theatre.  "I feel like I'm in Hollywood." one student said while walking down the carpeted stairway.  Highlights were the crystal chandelier, painted ceiling, and plush red seats.  The theme for this year's concert was Wall to Wall Percussion and featured a wide variety of percussion instruments including the kitchen sink!  The performance featured a variety of pieces including Sabre Dance, 1812 Overture, Mission: Impossible and Star Wars: Main Title.  It was a fantastic concert in a beautiful setting!

Weekly Reminders

Be sure to come to our Cultural Fair on Wednesday afternoon! 

Cultural visual, title and flag are due today.
French tests signed
Home Reading is due tomorrow.

Home Reading is due today.
Bible test today

Library today.
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Cultural Fair!


No School

Monday, November 19, 2012

Getting Ready for the Cultural Fair

This afternoon, the students in 6B enjoyed some time working on the visuals for the upcoming Cultural Fair.  Some of the projects include scrapbook pages, placemats, and economic pictographs.  This is an activity that the students have really been excited about, and it was wonderful to see some of them arrive at school this morning loaded with extra supplies to add that little extra flair to their project.  Hope you can join us for the Cultural Fair!

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Field Trip Forms
(Only two more forms need to be returned.)
Review sheet and flash cards to help students prepare for the Theme Test on Wednesday
Math Review Sheet - please sign and return

6B Service Afternoon
Home Reading is due today.
Prepare for Theme Test - Complete review sheet and finish outline for the essay question

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Theme Test (Culture)
Math Test Tomorrow - Complete review sheet

Math Test (Decimals)

Off to the VSO!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Keeping Active

Running the Property Run

Having a Break
On Wednesday morning, we enjoyed a PE class outside in spite of the dreary weather.  The students started off by running the School Property Run and then playing a game of Blob.  They all came back inside with rosy cheeks and smiling faces.

"The people who are IT need to work together as a team.  When more people were IT, it was harder to run across." - Beth

"It was lots of fun until I got tagged.  When I was tagged, I was in the middle and people were pulling me in both directions.  It would have been easier if we were all heading the same direction." - Steven

"During the School Property Run, at first I was going pretty fast until I got a sore leg.  Also, when I passed some of my friends, I would jump up and say 'checkpoint'." - Emily

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Field Trip Forms
(Only two more forms need to be returned.)
Review sheet and flash cards to help students prepare for the Theme Test on Wednesday

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Math page 119#9-15

6B Service Afternoon
Home Reading is due today.
Prepare for Theme Test - See review sheet and flashcards

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Theme Test (Culture)
Review for Math Test tomorrow
(pages 118 and 119 in Math Makes Sense)

Math Test (Decimals)

Off to the VSO!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pajama Day!

Yesterday was a cozy, cuddly day in 6B.

"I think it was fun having pajama day because all the people were wearing pajamas.  It was comfortable having pillows and stuffies." - Kevin

"I brought a pillow pet, a toy husky, and wore my pajamas.  It's too bad the we didn't get to watch all of the cartoons in the gym because it wasn't working.  It was still fun." - Megan

"It felt cozy because we were wearing pajamas.  It was lots of fun." - Steven

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Field Trip Forms

No School
Try IXL I.8

Try IXL I.8
Research Notes - Expressing Thoughts and Feelings - 1 page due today!
(Beliefs OR Art OR Special Celebrations)
French Quiz today

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Culture Art is due today

Research Notes - Keeping Organized - 1 page due today!


Monday, November 5, 2012

A Visit from Egypt

This morning, we had the opportunity to enjoy another featured speaker.  Our guests this morning were Nathan Still (Mr. Still's son) and his friend Miriam.  Nathan is working at a school in Egypt, and Miriam is an Egyptian citizen.  The students enjoyed listening to Nathan and Miriam tell about life in Egypt.  They gave us glimpses into Egyptian culture by showing us Egyptian currency, fabric, an alabaster vase, and even a musical instrument.  The students had many great questions and even learned a few Arabic words, or at least we tried.  The students were intrigued to learn that sand clouds can actually make the sky dark and cloudy, and that in Egypt it only rains a couple of times in the year!  We hope to have more featured speakers visit us soon!

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Parent Teacher Conference Forms

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Try IXL I.9 and I.3 - Calculators are allowed.

Math - page 111 #1-3
Try IXL I.9 and I.3 -  Calculators are allowed.
Research Notes - Meeting Basic Needs - 1 page due today!
(Food OR Clothing OR Shelter)

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Parent - Teacher Conferences

Remembrance Day Chapel
Parent - Teacher Conferences

No School

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bowling and Bingo

On Wednesday,  I accompanied the students who are volunteering at the Menno Home.  This week the students were helping the seniors participate in the recreational activities.  Two groups of students spent the hour playing Bingo and one group helped out with bowling.  Once again, I was encouraged to see the students encouraging and visiting with the residents.  A highlight for me was watching the bowling group cheer on the residents, particularly when one of them got two strikes!

"I played Bingo with the people from Menno home, and I helped someone find the numbers when they couldn't find it.  I think it was fun." - Lindsay

"It was really cool how they put the ball on a stand, and then rolled it down.  It was really fun setting up the bowling pins.  Most of the people got strikes and some got spares.  They have good aim." - Andrew J.

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Parent Teacher Conference Forms

9:45 Chapel - Mr. Berger - All parents are welcome!
Bring a newspaper or magazine photo that shows multiculturalism in Canada.
Math page 106 #1,4,5,6
Parents, please review long division with your child.  Thanks!

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Try IXL I.1 and B.6.  Review A, C and M as needed.

Try IXL I.1 and B.6 Review A,C and M as needed

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice
Parent - Teacher Conferences

Remembrance Day Chapel
Parent - Teacher Conferences

No School