Friday, October 26, 2012

A Visit from Nicaragua

This morning, we gathered all of the grade 6 students into Ms. Van Geest's classroom to hear from our first featured speaker.  As part of our culture unit, we are hoping to have visits from several people who have lived in or visited another country.  Our guest speaker today was Ms. van der Woerd.  Many of you may know that Ms. van der Woerd was a grade six teacher at our school for the past several years.  She is currently teaching at a school in Managua, Nicaragua.  She visited our classroom via Skype and shared the Nicaraguan culture with our students.  Many of the students had the opportunity to ask questions.  Here are some samples.

"How old do you need to be to get a driver's license in Nicaragua?"
"What kind of art do you have?"
"What is your favourite Nicaraguan food?"

The students really enjoyed learning in this way, and even got to say hello to a few of the students from the school in Managua.

"It was very interesting to hear about Nicaragua.  You have to be 18 to be able to drive." - Steven

"I've never seen Nicaragua before and it was cool to learn about.  Most poor countries don't have fresh water, but this country has fresh water that comes in bottles." - Liam

"I think it's cool that Ms. van der Woerd is teaching PE there.  It was kind of neat that we got to see the kids there too." - Beth

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Culture Quiz - please sign and return
Math Test - please sign and return
Handout - Information on IXL (including student username and password)

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Bible Memory - John 10:14-15
Mary/Martha Letter due today
Try IXL B.1, B.2.  Review A, C, and M as needed

Multicultural Postage Stamp is due today.
6B Service Afternoon!

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Scholastic Book Orders are due today.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Wet (but fun) Wednesday

The Bear Creek Christian Schools Cross Country meet was held yesterday in Surrey.  There were four members of 6B who ran, and they all did so well!  In all we had 26 middle school students take part in the event.  Although the weather was cold and rainy, the students had a fun day enjoying time with their friends and participating at the meet.

While we were gone, the remainder of 6B enjoyed a fun day with their friends in 6A and 6C.  They moved into Mrs. Bakker's and Ms. Van Geest's classrooms for the day.  One highlight was working in groups to create a recipe for Canadian culture complete with ingredients and directions.  The students also enjoyed a scavenger hunt in the library.

Weekly Reminders

Look for:
Culture Quiz - please sign and return
Math Test - please sign and return

9:10 Choir begins today! - All students are welcome!
9:45 Chapel - led by the Grade 8 Praise Team - Parents are always welcome!

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Bible Memory - John 10:14-15
Mary/Martha Letter due today

Multicultural Postage Stamp is due today.

Library today!
Pizza day! - $1.50 per slice

Scholastic Book Orders are due today.

Chapel 9:45 - Parents are always welcome!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Using our Wits

This morning, 6B participated in the third anti-bullying session with Mr. Stahl. Mr. Stahl continued to encourage the students to create a positive classroom and school environment.  He gave students this tool to use as a reminder of what to do when bullying happens.

W - Walk Away
I - Ignore
T - Tell Someone
S - Seek Help

We have also continued to add rings to our classroom Chain of Belonging.  Here are just a few of the comments that were added today.

"Someone helped me when I got hurt."
"I helped someone with their math homework."
"I showed someone how to make a bookmark."
"I saw people encourage."
"I played with someone who was left out."

It is exciting to watch our Chain of Belonging grow!

Weekly Reminders

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Review for Culture Quiz tomorrow

Home Reading is due.
Culture Review is due.
Culture Quiz today!
Bible Illustration due today.
Review for Math test on Thursday
Math Makes Sense Chapter 2 - Review pages 82 and 83.
Review concepts on IXL sections A,C, and M

Mrs. Morrow is gone with the X-Country team to the meet at Bear Creek
Review for Math test on Thursday
Math Makes Sense Chapter 2 - Review pages 82 and 83.
Review concepts on IXL sections A,C, and M

Math Test
Fine Arts - Still Life is due today

9:10 Choir begins today! - All students are welcome!
9:45 Chapel - led by the Grade 8 Praise Team - Parents are always welcome!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Crazy about Factor Trees

The students in 6B have caught factor tree fever!  They have been completing a different factor tree each night for a week.  Every math class, there is a sea of hands greeting me as many students are eager to share their solutions on the white board.  As many of my suggestions are now "too easy", today's challenge is 1005.  We'll see who is ready to share the solution tomorrow!

Weeky Reminders

Library Day
Pizza Day - $1.50 a slice
French Test
Factor Tree - 250
Tray a map of Asia website game

Map of Asia Quiz
Bible retest at lunch
Factor Tree - 455 - C.3

No School
Professional Development Day

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Review for Culture Quiz tomorrow

Home Reading is due.
Culture Review is due.
Culture Quiz
Review for Math test tomorrow
Math Makes Sense Chapter 2 - Review pages 82 and 83.

Math Test today!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Guest Speaker Mr. Stahl

Today, our middle school counselor, Mr. Stahl visited each of the grade 6 classes.  He began with the first of three talks to promote a positive environment in our classrooms and school.  His theme was how to prevent and stop bullying.  He focused on the physical, social, and emotional requirements that are needed to make our school a great place to be.  He then outlined how people feel when these necessities are taken away from them.

"Mr. Stahl put up signs that were sad, angry, and scared.  Then we chose how we would feel if we  ripped our shirt.  He was talking about the different emotions we would feel if something happened to us." - Beth

"I liked the part when we went to the posters.  I learned that you could feel all three emotions for different things that happened." - Emily

"I learned that everyone has different feelings about the same experience like sad, scared, and angry."  - Liam 

As a class we will be creating a chain of belonging to hang in our classroom.  This will be a reminder of ways we can encourage each other. 


Weeky Reminders

Look for:
Bible Test - please sign and return

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Factor Tree - 99 - C.1

Home Reading is due.
Map of Asia is due.
Factor Tree - 125 - C.2

Library Day
Pizza Day - $1.50 a slice
French Test
Factor Tree - 250
Tray a map of Asia website game

Map of Asia Quiz
Bible retest at lunch
Factor Tree - 455 - C.3

No School
Professional Development Day

Friday, October 12, 2012

6B Sing Along

A future singing sensation...
Last week, the students enjoyed some time to sing in our classroom.  Kevin brought in his guitar and we took a few minutes to sing praise songs together.  We have quite a musical class!  Many of them participated in our last Concert Day, and it was wonderful see their talents.  "I like that we can bring in whatever we are learning at home, and play different songs for the class." - Liam 

The class was entertained through a number of vocal, piano, guitar, and drum performances.  I've really enjoyed getting to see the variety of gifts in our classroom!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Weekly Reminders

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Factor Tree - 99 - C.1

Home Reading is due.
Map of Asia is due.
Factor Tree - 125 - C.2

Library Day
Pizza Day - $1.50 a slice
French Test
Factor Tree - 250
Tray a map of Asia website game

Map of Asia Quiz
Factor Tree - 455 - C.3

No School
Professional Development Day

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chicken Foot

A Game of Chicken Foot

Have you every played the game Chicken Foot?  It is a domino game that the students have been playing with the residents at Tabor Court.  Part of the game requires completing a "chicken foot" before moving on to the next stage.  This Tuesday, two of our students spent about an hour playing Chicken Foot with three delightful ladies who live at Tabor Court.  Meanwhile, the boys in our group helped organize a game of shuffleboard, which sounded quite exciting.  It was a variation of the game which included knocking down small bowling pins in an attempt to get strikes and spares.  I have really enjoyed participating in our Tuesday service afternoons, as this has been a wonderful opportunity to see the students volunteer joyfully!  I'm looking forward to visiting our other service locations soon!  Thanks again to all the parent volunteers who continue to make this possible.  It is greatly appreciated!

Weekly Reminders:

Look for:
Math Quiz - please sign and return

Chapel 9:45 - Parents are always welcome!
Math - Integers Handout
Factor Tree - 30

Home Reading is due tomorrow.
Factor Tree - 99

Home Reading is due.
Map of Asia is due.
Factor Tree - 125

Library Day
Pizza Day - $1.50 a slice
French Test
Factor Tree - 250

Map of Asia Quiz
Factor Tree - 455

No School
Professional Development Day

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cultural Artifacts can be Delicious...

Over the past two weeks, the students of 6B have been bringing in objects to represent their cultural heritage.  When one student requested to bring in traditional food, I said yes, not knowing that I was opening the door to a cultural picnic.  Over the next several days, the students enjoyed a variety of delicious artifacts inluding kimchi, chocolate, apple pie, shrimp crackers, and delicious pastries and cookies.

The class of course enjoyed the snacks, but also showed a keen interest in all of the artifacts brought in.  They took turns trying on wooden clogs, browsing through picture books of England and Scotland, and experimenting with chopsticks.  It was a highlight of the day, as the students were eager to learn from their classmates.  Thanks to all the parents for helping the students find an artifact to bring in.  The variety and planning was wonderful, and helped make these presentations a great success!

Also, remember that there is no school on Thursday, Friday, and Monday.  I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend as you spend time with family and friends.  We have so much to be thankful for!

Weekly Reminders:

Look for:
Map of Canada Tests - Please sign and return

No School
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Home Reading due today
Bible Test today
6B Service Afternoon!
Try - M.5

Library Day
Pizza Day - $1.50 a slice
Try - M.6

Try - M.6

Chapel 9:45 - Parents are always welcome!